Service Ratings Highlights has conducted industry research on the financial strength of the major insurance carriers. The comments and ordering of our best financial strength reviews is the product of this proprietary research.
Financial Strength Ratings
Financial Strength Ratings Highlights
Branch Home Insurance
Branch has two underwriters, depending on the state you're in. Both receive great ratings as far as financial stability goes, with Branch Insurance Exchange earning an A from Demotech and General Security National Insurance Company getting an A+ rating from AM Best.
Esurance is part of Allstate; a large traditional, public, insurance carrier.
Its policies are underwritten by large, established insurance companies.
Liberty Mutual
One of the largest, most established insurance companies in the United States.
Progressive is rated very highly by AM Best for financial strength and credit rating.
One of the largest, most established insurance companies in the United States.
Kin is an insurance agency, financial strength is derived from the underlying insurance carrier.
The financial stability of your insurance company depends on which carrier you choose.
Jupiter Insurance
Jupiter is an established firm that has been around for a while. The policies are held by carriers.
Kelly Klee
The financial stability of your insurance company depends on which carrier you choose.
Bubble Insurance Solutions
Bubble works with a number of reputable home insurance carriers that have the financial backing to ensure your policy is in safe hands.
Agile Rates
Agile Rates partners with providers that have great reputations within the insurance industry.
Blue Sky
Depends on the insurance company you select with the agent.
Gabi works directly with many of the top names in insurance, all of whom have enduring financial strength as companies. As they will suggest multiple providers, it's best to check each specific provider's financial strength.
Home Insurance King
Depends on the insurance company you select with the agent. works with the top carriers in home insurance, so you can expect to have plenty of options that have the financial strength you're looking for.
Insurance Rates for Less
Depends on the insurance company you select with the agent.
InsuranceHoney only suggests relevant policies and insurers, and cannot offer bundling on their own. However, you will likely find good options for bundling among the insurers you are recommended.
National Home Quotes
Depends on the insurance company you select with the agent.
This depends on the provider you personally choose. As Policygenius works with the top carriers in home insurance, financial strength should not be an issue.
Provide Insurance
Depends on the insurance company you select with the agent.
Given that Savings Joy works with some of the top carriers in home insurance, you can expect to find options with great financial strength marks.
Select Quote
Select Quote is not providing insurance, financial strength is derived from the underwriting carrier.
United States Insurance
As United States Insurance works with the top carriers, you can easily find options that have significant financial strength behind them.
Young Alfred
Young Alfred is not providing insurance, therefore financial strength determined by the underwriting carrier.